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Anti-Aging from Worm Experiments to Human Therapies

12 August 2019
Giulio Prisco


A protein known as LIN-53 has been found to play an important role in healthy aging (see below), in nematode worms. LIN-53 affects muscle development through the molecular complex NuRD, while it affects lifespan through a separate complex, Sin3. The fact that these are distinct pathways, but both involving LIN-53, is particularly intriguing and strongly suggests the importance of LIN-53 as a link between healthspan and lifespan. Since the protein is very similar to human protein RBBP4/7, the insights gained from worm studies could, one day, find clinical applications in human patients.

"It is such a small organism and yet still resembles human tissues, pathways and gene regulation, so we are able to transfer results from the nematode to humans," said lead researcher Stefanie Müthel.

I guess Müthel means something like “we might eventually be able to transfer ...” In fact, the road from lab experiments with worms to working anti-aging therapies for humans is likely to be long. Yet, this and similar research results are encouraging.

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