K2 MK7 Is the Best Vitamin K

17 July 2021
Thrivous Admin

If you are interested in supporting healthy bone density and blood clotting, you may have been told to increase your vitamin K levels. However, not all vitamin K is created equal.

This essential fat-soluble vitamin commonly appears as K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone) compounds. The K1 form of the vitamin is found in leafy greens and other plant based sources. And, while this is good for blood clotting, you don't get the additional benefits that vitamin K2 provides.

So Where Do You Find Vitamin K2?

Looking at dietary vitamin K sources, common foods that contain high amounts of this vitamin are liver and other organs meats, eggs, chicken, and eel. So you just need to consume more of these foods right? Well, not quite.

There is actually another aspect to this vitamin which was explored in a study published by the journal Nutrition. The study took a look at a group of ten women in Japan, who were given two types of vitamin k2 homologues, to see which one was more easily absorbed by the body and bioavailable.

Menaquinone-4 vs Menaquinone-7

Vitamin K2 consists of various homologues called Menaquinones.

The most common one is found in animal products, such as chicken, eel, liver, and eggs. It's Menaquinone-4, also known as MK-4. This is derived from the conversion of menadione.

The long chain version MK-7, on the other hand, is found in fermented foods such as sauerkraut, fermented cheese, curd, and the Japanese fermented soybean dish called Natto.

These are the two types of vitamin K2 homologues that were tested in the above-mentioned study. The goal was to find out how they functioned in the body and to determine which one was better.

How Did the Study Work? 

The ten women were split into two randomized groups. And each was given a concentrated form of either vitamin K2 MK-4 or vitamin K2 MK-7, after a moderate-fat breakfast was consumed. They prepared a baseline serum using 2ml of blood drawn from each woman, prior to administering the vitamin K2. The results were measured every second hour up to the first 24 hours, and then every 24 hours after that for three days. 

The second study involved having the MK-4 and MK-7 administered to ten women. They were split into a randomized group of five per group. The supplements were administered daily after supper for one week. Serum levels were also measured and analyzed. 

What Did the Studies Show?

The results of the studies were quite impressive. MK-7 showed clearly in the serum results of the first study, at maximum levels after six hours. It was still present in serum levels for up to 48 hours. MK-4, on the other hand, showed no serum levels at any point in time.

In the second study, MK-7 levels showed a steady increase while MK-4 levels did not increase.

This is very telling. It indicates that MK-7 is the far superior type of vitamin K2, being easily absorbed by the body and presenting in nutritional blood levels.

MK-4 is not as bio-available. And it would require a high dosage, due to its half-life, in order to present any benefits for carboxylation of osteocalcin. Furthermore, it didn't increase plasma levels, whereas MK-7 plasma levels showed a significant increase.

Getting on the Vitamin K2 MK-7 Train

With these studies in mind, you might consider whether you have a vitamin K deficiency. Have you been getting enough of vitamin K2? Here are some possible benefits from taking vitamin K2 MK-7:

  • Improved blood clotting to support faster wound healing
  • Stronger bones and improved bone density, due to the creation of a protein which helps to bind calcium to bones
  • Enhanced heart function, as vitamin K breaks down calcium and improves artery wall function
  • Improved cell function in various metabolic processes

Vitamin Intake Via Food Sources or Supplements

So, now that you know the best type of vitamin K to use, you need to find out what is the best source of it. There are food sources to consider. However, most of them provide vitamin K1 or vitamin K2 MK-4.

Only if you consume very specific foods, like fermented soybeans or tons of sauerkraut every day, are you likely to get high enough levels of K2 MK-7. This is where supplements can play a big role, providing much-needed support and reducing the possibility of vitamin K deficiency.

Supplement with Vitamin K2 for Improved Joint and Bone Health

There's an easy way to get a clinical dose of bioavailable vitamin K2 MK-7, along with other beneficial nutrients. You can use Tenacity Arthroprotector, a supplement that is designed to enhance your joints and bones.

In addition to K2 MK-7, Tenacity provides vitamin D, which is another fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin D is vital for supporting mobility and a healthy immune system. Tenacity also contains turmeric curcumin, which is a wonderful joint comfort ingredient, as well as ApresFlex Boswelli, also known as Frankincense, and S Adenosyl Methionine (SAMe). Get your Tenacity today!

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