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Happy Thoughts May Boost Immunity to Cancer

31 July 2018
Giulio Prisco

Happy Thoughts

Scientists working on ways to combat dangerous cancers are exploring a treatment path that may wind up being as simple as feeling happy thoughts, Quartz reports. A study on laboratory mice by scientists at Technion, the Israeli Institute of Technology, suggests that we might one day be able to treat cancer by triggering a primary reward region in the brain.

By artificially activating the brain’s reward system, the Technion researchers have dramatically reduced the size of cancerous tumors in mice. An open access research paper published in Nature Communications demonstrates the possibility to shrink cancerous tumors in lab mice by manipulating an area of the brain that, in humans, contains a complex neural network that controls positive emotions, expectations, and motivation.

“The main breakthrough in this study is the researchers’ success in harnessing the brain’s potential to boost the immune system in fighting cancer,” notes a Technion press release. “Understanding the brain’s influence on the immune system and its ability to fight cancer will enable us to use this mechanism in medical treatments.

It’s important to emphasize that this is still preliminary research with laboratory mice, very far  from clinical applications.

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