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Enhance Joint and Bone Longevity with Thrivous Tenacity

3 March 2022
Jae Haroldsen

Tent and Joints

As a teen, I had the good fortune to extensively backpack in various national parks and wilderness areas. My friend provided high-quality outdoor equipment. Part of the deal to use her "nice stuff" was treating it with respect.

The tent was staked out tight, so it didn’t leak; but not too tight to avoid straining the zippers and seams. I was regularly instructed to open and close the zippers with a steady, smooth motion. I learned that treating the equipment with mindful intent prolonged its serviceable life.

Joints and Bones

Compare joints and bones to tent zippers. Treating them with care allows us to enjoy active aging. Proper nutrition and exercise keep our bodies moving as they were designed, allowing us to enjoy any adventure that might come our way. On the other hand, the breakdown or degeneration of joint cartilage limits choices based on pain and stiffness.

The normal aging process is also associated with bone deterioration which increases the risk of bone fractures (especially for post-menopausal women).

Dietary supplements designed to support the joints and bones can help keep us enjoying the activities that make life worth living.

Reduce the Impact of Aging

The skeletal system, made of hard mineral bones, gives us structure. The joints, where the bones are connected together, allow movement. Joints consist of intact cartilage to cushion the bones as they pass each other.

The early signs of natural aging and breakdown of joints start with inflammatory responses. In addition, if the cartilage in the joint becomes damaged or compressed, movement causes joint inflammation and pain. Prolonging an active lifestyle requires detailed attention to reducing inflammation.

When investigating supplements to support joint health, the following supplement ingredients often pop up.

  • Glucosamine
  • Chondroitin
  • Turmeric
  • S. Adenosylmethionine (SAMe)
  • Collagen Peptides
  • Boswellia Serrata
  • MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)

Finite Resources

Given you have finite resources, which of these supplements should you choose? Which have clinically been shown to be the most effective for protecting joints, reducing joint stiffness and pain, and improving movement?


Glucosamine (a component of cartilage derived from shellfish) comes in two supplement forms:

  • glucosamine hydrochloride (GH) 
  • glucosamine sulfate (GS)

A meta-analysis concluded GH is ineffective at reducing knee pain. GS supplementation did not appear to significantly reduce pain either. However, after twenty-four weeks, GS supplementation may help improve movement and use.

Another meta-analysis found daily long-term (3 years) GS supplementation may provide a small or moderate improvement in joint space narrowing.

For individuals engaged in activities with high joint impact (i.e. soccer or running), studies indicate 1.5-3.0 mg of daily glucosamine supplementation may reduce biomarkers of type II collagen degradation but not increase type II collagen production. (Collagen is the protein building block of fibrous connective tissue.)


Chondroitin, another component of cartilage, often accompanies glucosamine in joint supplements.

Unfortunately, many meta-analyses find that several chondroitin studies employed poor or unsound methods and were often funded by companies producing chondroitin. Studies with better quality parameters show mixed results.

Turmeric Extract

The Indian spice turmeric contains polyphenol curcumin, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Numerous studies ( show highly-consistent and notable results of turmeric supplementation helping to reduce overall inflammation and pain to naturally improve quality of life.

In a study of patients with knee pain, 1,500 mg of daily turmeric supplementation was as effective as 1,200 mg of ibuprofen for pain reduction with fewer reports of gastrointestinal issues.

A 2017 study of rugby players dealing with osteo-muscular pain found naturally derived curcumin “could represent a promising safe, analgesic remedy in painful osteo-muscular conditions associated with intense, high impact, physical activities.”

When taken orally, the human body does not readily absorb curcumin. Taking it with black pepper increases curcumin’s bioavailabilityy rate by 2,000%.

S Adenosyl Methionine (SAMe)

SAMe is produced naturally in the liver from the essential protein methionine. It is a potent antioxidant, and animal studies indicate SAMe may stimulate cartilage production.

A study found that 1200 mg of daily SAMe, after two months, appeared as effective in improving knee pain and functionality as a pharmaceutical.

Collagen Peptides

Since cartilage is made of collagen, collagen supplementation to support joint health seems intuitive. Unfortunately, collagen supplementation has not been well studied.

A study of healthy individuals found daily supplementation of 40 mg of undenatured type II collagen may support knee joint extension. It may also support increasing joint comfort for longer exercise sessions and reduce joint pain associated with strenuous exertion.

Boswellia Serrata

Commonly known as Frankincense, Boswellia Serrata has numerous anti-inflammatory properties. It is a unique inhibitor of the pro-inflammatory enzyme 5-Lipoxygenase.

Studies indicate a notable and highly consistent result ( with Boswellia Serrata supplementation. For normal aging, a reduction in the pain, stiffness, and mobility of joints was shown to be improved with 100-250 mg daily.

In one study, participants taking 250 mg of 5-Loxin Boswellia Serrata extract saw significant improvements in mobility and pain scores within seven days of initiating supplementation.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)

MSM is a natural sulfur-containing compound. One human study indicated a small but variable improvement in pain with over 3 g of daily MSM supplementation.

In a 2013 mice study, MSM supplementation was shown to possibly reduce knee joint cartilage degeneration. However, higher amounts of MSM supplementation were associated with the atrophy of several organs.

Strengthening Bones and Muscles

Proper nutrition, including calcium-rich food sources and weight-bearing exercise, protect and improve bone mass with age. Calcium absorption requires sufficient levels of Vitamin D. Vitamin K helps prevent the loss of calcium from bones and supports the bonding of the protein osteocalcin to minerals that make up bone matter.

Vitamin D

Eighty to ninety percent of the body’s store of Vitamin D comes from skin exposure to ultraviolet light. Vitamin D deficiency is common, especially for those living north or south of 34 degrees latitude. In addition, the skin’s ability to synthesize Vitamin D declines with age, darker skin tones, consistent sunscreen application, and subcutaneous fat accumulation.

Vitamin D deficiency is linked to much more than fragile bones. It is also associated with muscle weakness. In the elderly, Vitamin D supplementation (800-1000 IU or 20-25 mcg) has been shown to promote increased mobility and reduce fall risks by 20-30%. And reducing falls reduces possible bone fractures.

A Vitamin D deficiency is also linked to other conditions throughout the body, including those associated with the cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, and metabolic systems. The data from a meta-analysis of long-term (3 years plus) supplementation from forty-two randomized controlled trials found Vitamin D supplementation “effective in preventing overall mortality."

Vitamin K

Several proteins are Vitamin K-dependent for bone development, blood coagulation, and cardiovascular health.  It is estimated that up to 31% of normal, healthy adults are Vitamin K deficient.

After age 50, bone naturally breaks down faster than it forms, especially for postmenopausal women. One study indicates low dose Vitamin K2 supplementation (over three years) may help prevent bone loss in postmenoposal women with DEKA measured increased bone mineral content, density, and strength.


Magnesium is necessary for bone formation by helping to convert Vitamin D to its active form for calcium absorption. A study of girls ages 8-14 years old with a magnesium intake of less than 220 mg/day found 300 mg of supplemental magnesium increased hip bone mineral content over placebo.

Thrivous Tenacity Arthroprotector

Research studies indicate reducing inflammation is the optimal way to protect joints. Vitamin D supports overall mobility and calcium absorption, and Vitamin K is necessary for bone generation.

Thrivous Tenacity is designed to support joints and bones by reducing overall inflammation, improving joint comfort and mobility, and promoting new bone formation. A serving of Tenacity contains:

  • Anti-inflammatory/Antioxidant: Turmeric Rhizome Extract 500 mg (95% Curcumin) with 5 mg of Black Pepper Extract (95% Piperine) to improve curcumin bioavailability.
  • Antioxidant: S. Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) 300 mg
  • Anti-inflammatory: Boswellia Serrata Resin Extract 100 mg (AprèsFLEXⓇ 20% AKBA)
  • Vitamin D (D3 Cholecalciferol) 50 mg (2,000 IU)
  • Vitamin K (K1 Phylloquinone) 250 mg
  • Vitamin K2 (MK7 Menaquinone 7) 100 mcg

Tenacity ingredients come only from the highest-quality sources. To ensure quality, we third-party test all raw materials. And we retest final products for safety, identity, and potency.

With Thrivous Tenacity, you can know your hard-earned dollars are purchasing appropriate, safe dosages of the most clinically-proven joint and bone enhancement supplements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Long Live the Tent

All those gnarly activities in my teens had me itching to share the great outdoors with my children. My husband and I bought good quality equipment. But in our thirty years of marriage (and six children), we have gone through three tents. Inevitably, the wear and tear on the zippers was just too much.

Recently, my friend told me she still has the tent we used during our backpacking adventures. It is in great shape, waiting for another adventure. That goes to show what consistent long-term care can achieve.

Keep your joints and bones eager for the next adventure with Thrivous Tenacity.

Buy Tenacity Arthroprotector

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