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Omega 3 Reduces Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage

9 October 2021
Giulio Prisco

Runner Muscles

Researchers have suggested that Omega 3 supplements may reduce exercise-induced muscle damage. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of Omega 3.

Exercise-induced muscle damage results in transient muscle inflammation, strength loss, muscle soreness. These results may cause subsequent exercise avoidance.

Symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage include pain, swelling, muscle strength and power loss, reduced range of motion, delayed onset muscle soreness, and impaired recovery. These symptoms may result in overall impairment of exercise performance.

Exercise-induced muscle damage is associated with inflammatory responses involving interleukin, acute phase proteins, and muscle specific creatine kinase.

The researchers investigated the effects of Omega 3 supplements on exercise-induced muscle damage. And they reported the methods and results of the study in a paper published in Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

Fourteen healthy, physically-active males participated in this experimental study. Exclusion criteria included age (outside 18-35 age range), smoking, gender, taking any medication (e.g. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), consuming fish oil supplements in the six  months before the study, and the presence of any known immune, cardiovascular, or metabolic disease.

On repeated visits to the laboratory, the participants performed exercises relevant to assessing exercise-induced muscle damage. The exercises included, for example, running downhill with a 10% slope. Perceived muscle soreness and various indicators relevant to exercise-induced muscle damage were evaluated and measured before and immediately after exercise.

The participants were divided in two groups following standard trial practices. One group received placebo. Participants in the other group received Omega 3 supplements.

The supplements consisted of three  gelcaps per day. Participants consumed one in the morning, one at lunch, and one in the evening. Each gelcap contained 1040 mg of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The results of the study indicate that muscle soreness was significantly lower in the Omega 3 group, compared to the placebo group, one day after the test. No significant difference in peak power output was observed between groups. The researchers conclude that Omega 3  supplements for four  weeks may successfully attenuate exercise-induced muscle damage.

While improvements in exercise performance were not detected, the researchers are persuaded that these findings have relevance to soreness-associated exercise avoidance. Strategies to reduce muscle damage and inflammation following exercise-induced muscle damage can be of use to individuals interested in increasing their rate of recovery and maintaining performance.

Thrivous develops Omega Cardioprotector to enhance heart and circulation function for better aging. Each serving of Omega provides a clinical dose of Omega 3 Lysine Complex, which has no fishy smell or taste, and is five times more bioavailable than traditional Omega 3 gelcaps. Reflecting this study, Omega may also enhance exercise recovery. Get your Omega in the Thrivous store today!

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