AI for Drug Discovery from Scratch

7 August 2018
Giulio Prisco

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, dubbed ReLeaSE (see below), developed by University of North Carolina scientists, has demonstrated AI-based drug discovery from scratch. In a preliminary study, the scientists used ReLeaSE to generate molecules with properties that they specified, such as desired bioactivity and safety profiles. The team used the ReLeaSE method to design molecules with customized physical properties, such as melting point and solubility in water, and to design new compounds with inhibitory activity against an enzyme that is associated with leukemia.

Commenting on how AI is transforming drug creation, Alexander Tropsha, one of the creators of ReLeaSE, said, "The ability of the algorithm to design new, and therefore immediately patentable, chemical entities with specific biological activities and optimal safety profiles should be highly attractive to an industry that is constantly searching for new approaches to shorten the time it takes to bring a new drug candidate to clinical trials."

AI system trains itself to design new drugs. Scientists at UNC Chapel Hill have created an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that can teach itself to design new drug molecules from scratch. The system, dubbed ReLeaSE (Reinforcement Learning for Structural Evolution), knows the chemical structures of about 1.7 million known biologically active molecules, and can train itself to propose molecules that are likely to be useful as new medicines. A proof-of-concept study on drug discovery with AI is published in Science Advances. The researchers are persuaded that AI drug research has the potential to dramatically accelerate the design of new drug candidates.

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