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This Supplement Combo Effectively Relieves Stress

27 May 2022
Giulio Prisco

Stress Relief

Researchers have studied the effect of a combination of Magnesium, B vitamins, Rhodiola, and L Theanine in stressed but otherwise healthy individuals.

Previous studies demonstrated the beneficial effects of Rhodiola and Green Tea extracts on acute stress. Green tea contains L Theanine, which is known to offer benefits including relaxation, calmness, better mood, and reduced stress.

Rhodiola has been used as a traditional medicine to relieve stress and fatigue. It's known to help in building resilience and supporting healthy cardiovascular responses.

The objective of the study was to demonstrate the efficacy of this supplement combo in managing stress in healthy individuals. The researchers also evaluated its effect on sleep, among other aspects of health.

Stress is a common health problem that affects 29% of the general population, rising to 44% among healthcare professionals. Unmanaged, it can lead to devastating effects on physical and mental health.

Considering the adverse effects of existing drug therapies, there is a need to identify options that are better adapted to the needs of healthy populations for the management of stress. Therefore, there has been extensive research into herbal extracts and mineral supplements to explore their benefits.

The researchers evaluated the effect of the supplement combo in stressed, healthy individuals scoring at least 14 points on a clinically validated, self-reported measurement of stress. The researchers also explored the effects of the supplement combo on aspects of life commonly affected by stress, such as quality of sleep and perception of pain.

Participation in the study was open to adults (18 to 65 years of age) of either sex who were not using any drug treatments (including analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs). Persons recently treated with antibiotics and persons receiving treatment or dietary supplements containing magnesium or herbal extracts were not included. The key exclusion criteria were contraindication or hypersensitivity to magnesium and severe renal failure.

The participants received either the supplement combo or a placebo once a day in the morning for 28 days. The supplement combo consisted of a tablet that provided 150 mg of Magnesium, 0.7 mg of Vitamin B6, 0.1 mg of Vitamin B9, 1.25 µg of Vitamin B12, 222 mg of Rhodiola, and 50 mg of L Theanine.

The results of this study, conducted in stressed but healthy individuals, demonstrated the effectiveness of the supplement combo (compared with placebo) for alleviating stress. Furthermore, the supplement combo may diminish pain perception, which may improve sleep in some cases.

According to the researchers, this study is the first to demonstrate a significant clinical effect of a dietary supplement on stress relief after only 14 days of treatment. Further studies are planned, including gender-specific studies.

Thrivous develops Clarity and Serenity Stack to enhance mood, focus, and memory during the day, as well as relaxation and sleep at night. Each serving of Clarity provides clinical doses of B Vitamins, Rhodiola, and L Theanine. And each serving of Serenity provides clinical doses of Magnesium and L Theanine. As suggested by this study, Clarity and Serenity Stack may help to manage stress, and improve sleep.

Buy Clarity and Serenity Stack

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